The Hungarian Space Weather Data Center and Information Portal (https://hsw.epss.hun-ren.hu) is operated by the HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (FI, https://epss.hun-ren.hu). The Institute hosts geodetic, geophysical, geological and space science research, the subject of which is the observation, modeling and interpretation of the state and processes of the Earth as a physical system, as well as the development and creation of related theoretical mathematical, physical and practical methods and testing tools.
Measurements related to space weather processes are carried out at the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory (SZIGO, https://nckobs.hu) operated by FI, where the goal is to continuously record changes in the Earth's electromagnetic environment with data collection systems for observations of the Earth's magnetic field, the telluric current, and the atmospheric electricity, which was supplemented by ionospheric sounding and a meteorological station a decade ago.
The website provides four types of real-time space weather related data to the general public: solar wind, geomagnetic, geoelectric data and ionograms as the output of the ionosphere radar.