Telluric field at SZIGO, Nagycenk
The dynamic component of the geomagnetic field induces a current system in the conductive subsurface layers, which we call the earth current or telluric current. Its registration was the very first measurement project of the Observatory, and it has been operating for almost seven decades, with minor interruptions. The measurement arrangement is a pair of electrodes laid in the N-S and in the E-W direction, respectively. The electrodes are non-polarizing thick lead plates, which are buried 4m below the surface. Due to the modernization of the telluric measurement system in recent years, a high-resolution, 32-bit analog/digital converter, equipped with a recording device that automatically switches between the measurement ranges to avoid saturation, has been installed. The measurement of the telluric signals has been going on between new electrode pairs placed at a distance of 250m.
Technical maintainance